Sunday, January 17, 2010

Smoke Dancing #1

The character Fiction Tunny intrigues me. Her Character seems to mature a times and then at others she seems to be as lost as a child. Her situation looks from an outsiders view to be hopeless. With her father a powerful man for the Nation, how can she handle so blatantly rejected by him? With her mother dead, Bert now gone too, and a father who resents her existence. What keeps her on the reservation? She has never had any contact with positive results. I would leave the reservation. Why would I stay in a place where I had nothing? With the Nation not allowing her to keep Bert’s home and land, I wouldn’t stay. I would try to make my life elsewhere. I think that this quality is something that makes her so relatable. Her struggle is real, her hurt you feel. With nothing to lose she is making the best of what she has been given by life. Since has no family to speak of (or a father who refuses to recognize her) she has bonded together with the members of the dance group out of necessity. She has formed her own family since she has none left. But I wonder if eventually her father will turn and become an important factor in her life? Or will she leave like I would? I am interested to see what happens next, will the story end in a happily ever after. Or will it follow the new trend of literature and will we find ourselves having thoughts of “what we wished happened?”

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