Saturday, March 6, 2010

Post #8 Almanac

Max and Leah's relationship is crazy! I do not even think that I fully understand it. Obviously they are not in love with each other. As one of them said so. And yet they do not divorce. They are not separated; they just do not sleep together. Or Max sleeps at his office or the golf course. So if they are not together, do not love, and hardly ever see each other... What’s the point? I mean when I decide that I want to get married I want a relationship where my husband cannot wait to get home to work and cannot wait to spend time with me. I would hate to go through a relationship like Max and Leah's so why are they together. I have a feeling it’s something to do with money or something in there past that we have not yet been told. Can you imagine being married to a man who kills for a living? And to know that he does it. I think I would run away crying out of fright if my husband killed. As I read along in Almanac of the Dead I just become more and more confused. I thought that I was getting a handle on the book, but then all of the sudden I get througwn for a loop. We were talking about the twins, Seese, and Sterling. But then we start talking about Leah, Max, Mernardo, etc. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND! What is going on! I hope things start tying together. Because this book is frustrating!!!

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