Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Post #7 Yellow Raft

IDA IS A NUT. I mean I started reading this final part of Yellow Raft in Blue water and i am thinking to myself that this woman is A COMPLETE LOONEY. Well come to think of it after i had read it, if i had the same thing happen to me that happened to her... I would be a Looney too. But even still. Why the heck would she be okay with ruining her own life for the sake of her family? I have the hunch that this is another thing that I cannot comprehend because Ida's heritage. But how does she so passively agree to take charge of the baby. And if she so agrees to take care of the baby why does she have such a 'tude regarding Christine. I mean I can understand why Christine turned out to be so messed up. I would be to if I had a "mother" who acted like Ida. Selfish nature runs hard in this family. First Rayona and her running away because she has issues with her mom and "Aunt Ida." Then Christine and her defiance in wanting to be a “true American.” She even goes off to Seattle and Tacoma and marries an African American Man. And honestly I bet she did it 95% to piss off Aunt Ida. But these women are the way they are because of the mother ahead of them. I mean can you imagine a family dinner with this family? Jeez I think I would want to skip dessert and let me tell you... I never skip dessert!

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