Saturday, February 6, 2010

Post #3

Definitely did not see that one coming! Big red + Fiction (and now rather Patricia Tunny) = Lovers forever apparently. So I can get over that. Still think it’s a bit awkward… But we’re moving on. I love the language of this book. Big Red has passion for photography, but instead of saying “oh yeah I finished the roll gunna get them printed and hopefully they will be pretty sweet images.” Eric Gansworth says “at the last exposure my camera begins to whine in its automatic-rewind mode, the film finally dropped out neatly into my hand, a bullet of images ready to explode” (Gansworth 180). Who does that any more, the old way of saying what you mean with flowery and hidden messages within the words. Girls BEWARE if you ever see Eric Gansworth you may fall madly in love with him due to his romantic language and wording that provokes images in your head. Shoot I know I would. I mean my boyfriend can’t even get past saying “Babe, you hot.” Yup that’s it ladies, I know how did I fall for his charismatic charm right? Wouldn’t the world be more enjoyable if we said things like “the gleaming saliva arcs upward in the humid May air, then back earthward…” and “my mother saying my thick Indian lips were beautiful, a small bud, ready to bloom from within…” Yeah I am going to have to say that life would be a tad more interesting if we used words like that to describe things every day. Haha oh well I suppose I am going to have to wait till the time machine is create so I can go back to Shakespeare’s time to enjoy being the object of some man’s affection being described with pretty words. Anyone have a time machine?

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