Sunday, February 28, 2010

Post #6 Yellow Raft

Christine is one crazy woman. Responsibility has to come into one's life at some point or another. But from day one she did not seem to have it. Nor when she got pregnant and had a child did responsibility come into play. I find the relationship between her and her brother troubling. I fight with my brother (who is three years younger than me, but for one month he can claim he is two years and eleven months) constantly! We fight when there is nothing to fight about. And when Lee is born, Christine takes over this mothering thing as if she is not only four years older than him but far far more. I wonder if she needs the attention because "Aunt Ida" seems to not care. Lee is the only person who cares anything about her because he looks up to her and that’s why. Or maybe the fact that Lee is the shining star in the community on the reservation and Christine has none that makes her want to focus on him so much. Which probably would explain the Dayton issue as well. What Lee loves the most is his best friend, someone that Christine can have no part of. And that is why she temps him so. And seduces him outside the Powwow. And really Christine never had a real relationship with Dayton, which I find interesting that she continues to tell Rayona that he was her boyfriend. When really they spent the high school years fighting over time with Lee and pushing Lee to do something or rather.

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